In-class Exercise 5


Goh Si Hui


December 16, 2023


December 16, 2023

1 Getting Started

1.1 Importing the packages

Use the following code chunk to install the latest version of spflow (instead from CRAN’s R library)


Then, we will load spflow and the other packages that we need for this exericse using the following code chunk.

pacman::p_load(tmap, sf, spdep, sp, Matrix, spflow, reshape2, knitr, tidyverse)

To work with spflow, we need to have: - Spatial Weights (Lesson 2) - a tibble dataframe consists of the origins, destination, flows and distances between the origins and destinations, and - a tibble dataframe consists of the explanatory variables.

mpsz_nb <- read_rds("data/rds/mpsz_nb.rds")
mpsz_flow <- read_rds("data/rds/mpsz_flow.rds")
mpsz_var <- read_rds("data/rds/mpsz_var.rds")

2 Creating spflow network class objects

spflow network class is an S4 class that contains all information on a spatial network which is composed by a set of nodes that are linked by some neighbourhood relation. It can be created by usiing spflow_network() of spflow

For our model, we choose the contiguity based neighbourhood structure.

mpsz_net <- spflow_network(
  id_net = "sg",
  node_neighborhood = nb2mat(mpsz_nb$by_contiguity),
  node_data = mpsz_var,
  node_key_column = "SZ_CODE")

Spatial network nodes with id: sg
Number of nodes: 313
Average number of links per node: 6.077
Density of the neighborhood matrix: 1.94% (non-zero connections)

Data on nodes:
                SZ_NAME SZ_CODE BUSSTOP_COUNT AGE7_12 AGE13_24 AGE25_64
1      INSTITUTION HILL  RVSZ05             2     330      360     2260
2        ROBERTSON QUAY  SRSZ01            10     320      350     2200
3          FORT CANNING  MUSZ02             6       0       10       30
4      MARINA EAST (MP)  MPSZ05             2       0        0        0
5               SENTOSA  SISZ01             1     200      260     1440
6        CITY TERMINALS  BMSZ17            10       0        0        0
---                 ---     ---           ---     ---      ---      ---
308            NEE SOON  YSSZ07            12      90      140      590
309       UPPER THOMSON  BSSZ01            47    1590     3660    15980
310          SHANGRI-LA  AMSZ05            12     810     1920     9650
311          TOWNSVILLE  AMSZ04             9     980     2000    11320
312           MARYMOUNT  BSSZ02            25    1610     4060    16860
313 TUAS VIEW EXTENSION  TSSZ06            11       0        0        0
1              1              6            26             3             0
2              0              4           207            18             6
3              0              7            17             0             3
4              0              0             0             0             0
5              0              1            84            29             2
6              0             11            14             4             0
---          ---            ---           ---           ---           ---
308            0              0             7             0             0
309            3             21           305            30             0
310            3              0            53             9             0
311            1              0            83            11             0
312            3             19           135             8             0
313            0             53             3             1             0
1          4        3  103.84    1.29
2         38       11  103.84    1.29
3          4        7  103.85    1.29
4          0        0  103.88    1.29
5         38       20  103.83    1.25
6         15        0  103.85    1.26
---      ---      ---     ---     ---
308        0        0  103.81     1.4
309        5       11  103.83    1.36
310        0        0  103.84    1.37
311        1        1  103.85    1.36
312        3       11  103.84    1.35
313        0        0  103.61    1.26

id_net - we can just name it anything (to give a name to the id?)

combines contiguity matrix and explanatory variables

Use sp_network_pair() to…

mpsz_net_pairs <- spflow_network_pair(
  id_orig_net = "sg",
  id_dest_net = "sg",
  pair_data = mpsz_flow,
  orig_key_column = "ORIGIN_SZ",
  dest_key_column = "DESTIN_SZ")

Spatial network pair with id: sg_sg
Origin network id: sg (with 313 nodes)
Destination network id: sg (with 313 nodes)
Number of pairs: 97969
Completeness of pairs: 100.00% (97969/97969)

Data on node-pairs:
1        RVSZ05    RVSZ05        0    67
314      SRSZ01    RVSZ05   305.74   251
627      MUSZ02    RVSZ05   951.83     0
940      MPSZ05    RVSZ05  5254.07     0
1253     SISZ01    RVSZ05     4975     0
1566     BMSZ17    RVSZ05  3176.16     0
---         ---       ---      ---   ---
96404    YSSZ07    TSSZ06 26972.97     0
96717    BSSZ01    TSSZ06 25582.48     0
97030    AMSZ05    TSSZ06 26714.79     0
97343    AMSZ04    TSSZ06 27572.74     0
97656    BSSZ02    TSSZ06  26681.7     0
97969    TSSZ06    TSSZ06        0   270
mpsz_multi_net <- spflow_network_multi(mpsz_net, mpsz_net_pairs)

Collection of spatial network nodes and pairs
Contains 1 spatial network nodes  
    With id :  sg
Contains 1 spatial network pairs  
    With id :  sg_sg

Availability of origin-destination pair information:

          sg          sg       sg_sg      100.00% 97969/97969 313/313 313/313

both have to be spflow network object class

flow has to be n x n (i.e. 313 x 313 = 97969 obs for mpsz_flow)

2.1 Correlation Analysis

check for multicollinearity before running regression - more impt for explanatory models can also use to detect if we have suitable variables

cor_formula <- log(1 + TRIPS) ~
  AGE7_12 +
  AGE13_24 +
  AGE25_64 + 
  P_(log(DISTANCE + 1))

cor_mat <- pair_cor(
  spflow_formula = cor_formula,
  add_lags_x = FALSE)

colnames(cor_mat) <- paste0(
  substr(colnames(cor_mat),1,3), "...")


“P_” always refers to impedence

3 Model Calibration

Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE)

Origin Destin Intra P - impedence (distance)

model 9 (see slides!)

base_model <- spflow(
  spflow_formula = log(1 + TRIPS)~
    O_(BUSSTOP_COUNT + AGE25_64) + 
         RETAILS_COUNT + 
         FINSERV_COUNT) + 
    P_(log(DISTANCE + 1)),
spflow_networks = mpsz_multi_net) 

Spatial interaction model estimated by: MLE  
Spatial correlation structure: SDM (model_9)
Dependent variable: log(1 + TRIPS)

                          est     sd   t.stat  p.val
rho_d                   0.680  0.004  192.552  0.000
rho_o                   0.678  0.004  187.728  0.000
rho_w                  -0.396  0.006  -65.587  0.000
(Intercept)             0.410  0.065    6.265  0.000
(Intra)                 1.313  0.081   16.263  0.000
D_SCHOOL_COUNT          0.017  0.002    7.885  0.000
D_SCHOOL_COUNT.lag1     0.002  0.004    0.551  0.582
D_BUSINESS_COUNT        0.000  0.000    3.015  0.003
D_BUSINESS_COUNT.lag1   0.000  0.000   -0.249  0.803
D_RETAILS_COUNT         0.000  0.000   -0.306  0.759
D_RETAILS_COUNT.lag1    0.000  0.000    0.152  0.879
D_FINSERV_COUNT         0.002  0.000    6.787  0.000
D_FINSERV_COUNT.lag1   -0.002  0.001   -3.767  0.000
O_BUSSTOP_COUNT         0.002  0.000    6.806  0.000
O_BUSSTOP_COUNT.lag1   -0.001  0.000   -2.364  0.018
O_AGE25_64              0.000  0.000    7.336  0.000
O_AGE25_64.lag1         0.000  0.000   -2.797  0.005
P_log(DISTANCE + 1)    -0.050  0.007   -6.792  0.000

R2_corr: 0.6942932  
Observations: 97969  
Model coherence: Validated

rho_d : destination constrained rho_o : origin constrained rho_w : intrazonal

school_count.lag1: also tell us if school_count’s immediate neighbours can affect the flows. Notice that it is not sig. so the flow is largely due to the sch within the zone

Finserv: both finserv and its immediate have small p value.

busstop: both BS and its immediate nb are sig. so both can attract flows

3.1 Residual Diagnostic Test

If th line is very close to the diagonal, means no more spatial autocorrelation

old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1,3),
               mar = c(2,2,2,2))


corr_residual <- pair_cor(base_model)
colnames(corr_residual) <- substr(colnames(corr_residual), 1,3)

No violation of multicollinearity All contribute to the model

3.2 Working with Model Control

spflow_formula <- log(1 + TRIPS)~
    O_(BUSSTOP_COUNT + AGE25_64) + 
         RETAILS_COUNT + 
         FINSERV_COUNT) + 
    P_(log(DISTANCE + 1))

model_control <-spflow_control(estimation_method = "mle",
                               model = "model_1")

mle_model1 <- spflow(
  spflow_networks = mpsz_multi_net,
  estimation_control = model_control) 

Spatial interaction model estimated by: OLS  
Spatial correlation structure: SLX (model_1)
Dependent variable: log(1 + TRIPS)

                          est     sd    t.stat  p.val
(Intercept)            11.384  0.069   164.255  0.000
(Intra)                -6.006  0.112   -53.393  0.000
D_SCHOOL_COUNT          0.093  0.003    28.599  0.000
D_SCHOOL_COUNT.lag1     0.255  0.006    44.905  0.000
D_BUSINESS_COUNT        0.001  0.000    10.036  0.000
D_BUSINESS_COUNT.lag1   0.003  0.000    18.274  0.000
D_RETAILS_COUNT         0.000  0.000    -1.940  0.052
D_RETAILS_COUNT.lag1    0.000  0.000    -2.581  0.010
D_FINSERV_COUNT         0.005  0.000    10.979  0.000
D_FINSERV_COUNT.lag1   -0.016  0.001   -17.134  0.000
O_BUSSTOP_COUNT         0.014  0.001    25.865  0.000
O_BUSSTOP_COUNT.lag1    0.015  0.001    21.728  0.000
O_AGE25_64              0.000  0.000    14.479  0.000
O_AGE25_64.lag1         0.000  0.000    14.452  0.000
P_log(DISTANCE + 1)    -1.281  0.008  -165.327  0.000

R2_corr: 0.2831458  
Observations: 97969  
Model coherence: Validated

can change the model using the model control (choose frm 1 to 9)

old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1,3),
               mar = c(2,2,2,2))
